

Meet Sandra Sylvester, Alpha’s new make-up artist


From ABC TV News, the house magazine of ABC Television & Iris Production – No 11, April 1962

‘I was sick of secretarial work and I wanted to do something artistic’, explains Alpha newcomer Trainee Make-up Artist SANDRA SYLVESTER.

After a spell of secretarial work at Birmingham University and later with a firm of solicitors, 18-years-old Sandra sat Birmingham Art School’s entrance exam – and passed. However, not fancying a five-year course she applied for a scenic design job at Alpha.

With no vacancy in the department, she was given the chance of using her artistic ability in Make-up where she now enjoys every minute – as can be seen as she works on Announcer JOHN EDMUNDS.

An outdoor girl in her spare time, Sandra’s favourites are water skiing and horse riding.

About this author

Jimmy Bake worked for ABC-TV, but that's all we know. If you have any more information about him, please let us know in the comments.

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