Looking around Alpha – 1


Take a peek inside Alpha

THE RECEPTION HALL — and the receptionists who are the first people to greet the artistes and put them at their ease.
‘YOU NAME IT — WE’VE GOT IT’! is the proud boast of the Property Department where all the ‘odds and ends’ for a television production are purchased and stored for future use. Bottles, pots and pans, old gramophones, even elephants and banana trees can be provided by ‘Props’.
INSIDE WARDROBE DEPARTMENT where costumes are provided and last minute alterations and adjustments, pressing and running repairs are carried out at a moments notice.
IN THE STORAGE BAYS, scenery is stored away for next week’s programme, when it will be touched up and repainted where necessary, and reset.

About this author

'Behind the Scenes' is a booklet produced by Alpha Television Services in 1963 to mark the enlargement of the studio site in Aston, Birmingham

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