Looking around Alpha – 2


More from inside Alpha

THE TELECINE SUITE — where filmed programmes and the commercials are transmitted by equipment very similar to cinema projectors. There are five telecine projectors at Alpha.
IN THE LIGHTING GALLERY, high up in the roof lighting electricians set up the powerful studio lights.
SCENIC artists and painters work on scenery in their workshop.
A CORNER of the ‘make-up’ room.
SOUND engineers at work in one of the studio control rooms.
THE CONSOLE of the lighting switchboard looks like an organ console. Over 120 lights may be switched on and off during one programme – and all by finger tip control.

About this author

'Behind the Scenes' is a booklet produced by Alpha Television Services in 1963 to mark the enlargement of the studio site in Aston, Birmingham

2 thoughts on “Looking around Alpha – 2

  1. Oh how I loved going here to watch ‘pop’ groups in 1964, I was 15. We were so innocent, I was given tickets by the local butchers assistant who I was madly ‘in love with’. We lived in Sutton Coldfield & went into Birmingham on the bus. What great times.

  2. The lighting board and dimmer reactors ended up at the old Birmingham Repertory Theatre in Station Street Birmingham. I remember the dimmer board and saw the engineering drawings, marked as Alpha Television

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