Val Parnell


Val Parnell of ATV welcomes you to Alpha


I FIRST began to know the Midlands and Midland audiences in my early days in the theatre and I can tell you that in my experience there is not a more discriminating audience anywhere in the country.

Managing Director of
Associated TeleVision Ltd.

Providing entertainment for such a public was not an easy task and it is no easier today now that I am concerned with television programmes instead of the music hall. That is why I find it most rewarding to know that the Midlands has the highest I.T.A./B.B.C. viewing ratio in the country. It means that we are still on the right lines so far as Midland viewers are concerned and we know that you will soon tell us when we are not.

The Midland studios have now become part of the life of the Midlands, and I am delighted to be associated with this website which tells of the work behind the scenes. I feel it will contribute towards a better appreciation of the programmes presented from Aston and of the work of the technicians, directors and artistes who work there.

About this author

Valentine Charles Parnell (1892-1972) was Managing Director of ATV from 1956 until 1962

2 thoughts on “Val Parnell

  1. ” I am delighted to be associated with this website”

    Shome mishtake shurely?

    Valentine Charles Parnell died at the age of 80 on September 22nd, 1972, a time long before the notion of websites had ever been conceived.

    He was the son of Fred Russell, a ventriloquist.

    [Dogwhistle anti-semitism removed – Ed]

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